Connecting Myst to an Active Directory Domain

Add the Active Directory Provider

  1. Login as an Administrator and go to Administration -> Users

  2. Click and fill in the details.

Name Value
Connection ---------------------------------------------------
Port 636
Secure (SSL) Yes
Principal cn=admin,dc=mystsoftware,dc=com
Credential Welcome1
Users ----------------------------------------------------
User Base DN ou=users,o=myst,dc=mystsoftware,dc=com
User Name Attribute cn
User Object Class person
All Users Filter (&(cn=*)(objectClass=person)(mail=myst))
Groups ----------------------------------------------------
Groups Base DN ou=groups,o=myst,dc=mystsoftware,dc=com
Group Name Attribute cn
Group Object Class groupOfNames
Member DN Attribute member
All Groups Filter (&(cn=*)(mail=myst)(|(objectclass=groupofNames)(objectclass=orcldynamicgroup)))

SSL Configuration (LDAPS)

If the connection uses LDAPS then Myst Studio must trust the certificate chain. In this Docker example we can volume mount the keystore directory or the file.

Troubleshooting General or SSL Connectivity

If there are issues connecting Myst to LDAPS try the following:

  1. Check the Docker container logs docker logs -f myststudio_web

  2. Append to CATALINA_OPTS for SSL debug logging which can be seen in docker logs -f myststudio_web

NOTE: with SSL debugging enabled you will always see the following WARNING which can be ignored as documented in JDK-8255148.|WARNING|03|Finalizer|2020-08-31 09:42:20.203 EDT|null:-1|SSLSocket duplex close failed (
"throwable" : { Socket is not connected
        at Source)
        at Source)

Importing the Active Directory Certificate Chain

Create a trust.jks containing the Active Directory server's certificate chain.

  1. Obtain the certificate chain openssl s_client -connect <AD_HOST>:636 -showcerts
  2. Save certificate(s) from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- to -----END CERTIFICATE----- (inclusive)
  3. Import certificates into the trust keystore `trust.jks``
  4. keytool -importcert -noprompt -keystore "trust.jks" -storepass "changeit" -trustcacerts -alias "my_rootca" -file my_ca.cer
  5. keytool -importcert -noprompt -keystore "trust.jks" -storepass "changeit" -trustcacerts -alias "my_server" -file my_server.cer
  6. Copy trust.jks to a location planned for Docker's volume mounting

Setup Myst docker-compose.yml

Configure Myst to use the trust keystore.

  • Configure Docker volumes to mount the JKS
  • Configure Tomcat CATALINA_OPTS to keystore location and password
  • Restart the Docker container

Example of docker-compose.yml.

version: '2'
     - ./data/license:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/fusioncloud/license
     - ./data/ext:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/fusioncloud/ext
     - ./data/keystores:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/fusioncloud/keystores            # Mount directory
    #- ./data/keystores:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/fusioncloud/keystores/trust.jks  # Mount file

    CATALINA_OPTS: "-Xmx2048m -Xms2048m"
    TZ: "Australia/Brisbane"

Example of the docker run command.

docker run -d \
  --name myststudio_web \
  -v ./data/keystores:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/fusioncloud/keystores \
  -e CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -Xms2048m"

NOTE: Each example is an incomplete snippet with the ... representing further configuration.

Configure the Roles

When Active Directory (AD) is integrated with Myst the AD groups synchronise.

  • The default workspace will be populated with Users
  • Users will be placed in their respective Roles


Add permissions to the new Roles synchronised from Active Directory.

System Role

Similar to Myst Roles, the Myst System Roles can be configured and later assigned to users.

Add New Users in Active Directory

New users into Active Directory will automatically synchronise with Myst on login. The user will be assigned to the Default workspace and associated to their role.

  1. Add new user to Active Directory along with their group
  2. User logs into Myst
    1. Myst automatically synchronises the user and their role(s) based on the AD group
    2. Myst synchronises to the Default (6fafeb5a-0bcb-4683-8f57-e287ea7eebaf) workspace


Log any issues or improvements to

Issue # Category Description Workaround
FC-6609 Synchronisation Deleting Users from AD Delete the user manually via Myst.
FC-6612 Synchronisation Moving a User to a different AD group does not synchronize with Myst Manually change the user in Myst to the desired role.
FC-6612 Synchronisation Changing the User and Group filter does not synchronize with Myst Manually delete users and groups that should be filtered out.
FC-6613 Synchronisation Always synchronizes to Myst 'Default' workspace Manually delete the users and roles from the Default workspace and assign to the preferred workspace.
FC-6610 Connection No UI feedback if Myst cannot connect to AD Check the Myst Studio docker container logs for errors
FC-6611 Connection Unable to disable the connection to AD Use an invalid hostname in the Myst provider configuration to prevent further connections to AD.

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