Role Management

Within MyST, a Role is used to define the type of MyST resources that a user in that role has access to, and the actions that can be performed against the resources. Specifically it will define:

  • What actions a user can perform against each resource type, for example, Platform Blueprints / Models, Platform Instances, Artifacts, Application Blueprints / Models.
  • Where a resource, such as Platform, Instance or Application Models is Environment specific then the role will define which actions can be performed against that resource in each environment.
  • A separate reserved MyST Administrator Role will be used to manage system specific configurations, for example, user and role management, tag management
  • A separate reserved MyST Workspace Administrator Role will be used to manage workspace specific configurations, for example defining which users have which roles within a workspace.

List Roles

To see a list of MyST Roles, click Administration > Roles. This will display a list of Roles similar to the one below.

The list can be filtered/sorted by Role Name, Description, Environments or Status, by entering the filter criteria in the filter fields (outlined in red in the above screen-shot).

Creating a New Role

Click + Create Role, this will open the Add Role dialogue. Specify the following values:

  • Name: Role Name
  • Description: Description of the role
  • Environments: These are the environment types that the role has access to (see Specify Environment Types for details).
  • Access Permissions: These are the access permissions that the role has to the different resource types in MyST (see Specify Access Permissions for details).

Once we have entered the Role details, click Save to create the Role.

Note: Once we have created a role we can assign it to one or more users, this is done within a Workspace.

Specify Environment Types

During the lifetime of a project, source code will be built and promoted to various staging environments, such as Development (DEV), System Integration Testing (SIT), User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Pre-Production (PRE), and Production (PROD).

Within MYST any resource that is environment specific, such as a Platform Model or Platform Instance, is tagged to an Environment Type.

For each role, we must specify which Environments it has access to, and what type of actions the role can perform against each resource type in that environment.

Within MYST any resource that is environment specific, such as a Platform Model or Platform Instance, is tagged to an Environment Type. This in conjunction with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) allows us to control who can perform which actions in which environment.

Note: The same access permissions are assigned to all Environment Types. If we want to define different access permissions per environment type, then we will need to create multiple Roles

Specify Access Permissions

Once we have specified which environments the role has access to, the next stage is to specify the access permissions the role has to each resource type in those environments.


The following table details the access permissions for Platform resources.

Resource Type Env. Specific Permission Description
Platform Template No View Allows a role to view a Platform Template
No Create Allows a role to create a Platform Template
No Edit Allows a role to edit an existing Platform Template
No Delete Allows a role to delete an existing Platform Template
Platform Blueprint No View Allows a role to view a Platform Blueprint
No Create Allows a role to create a Platform Blueprint. When creating a Blueprint based on a template the user must have view access to the Platform Template
No Edit Allows a role to edit an existing Platform Blueprint
No Delete Allows a role to delete an existing Platform Blueprint
Platform Model No View Allows a role to view a Platform Model
No Create Allows a role to create a Platform Model. Note that a role can only create Platform Models for which they have at least View Access on the corresponding Platform Blueprint
No Edit Allows a role to edit an existing Platform Model
No Delete Allows a role to delete an existing Platform Model
Platform Instance Yes Create Allows a user to provision a new environment as defined by its corresponding Platform Model
Yes Delete Allows a user to terminate a platform instance. Note that a user needs both create and delete access to re-provision a platform instance
Yes Execute Allows a user to execute actions against the Platform Instance, including updating a platform instance (as defined by its Platform Model), starting and stopping the Platform Instance
Release Management

The following table details the access permissions for Release Management resources.

Resource Type Env. Specific Permission Description
Artifact No View Allows a role to view an Artifact. Note that View access is required to be able to add an Artifact to an Application Blueprint
No Create Allows a role to view an Artifact
No Edit Allows a role to edit an existing Artifact
No Delete Allows a role to delete an existing Artifact
Application Blueprint No View Allows a role to view an Application Blueprint
No Create Allows a role to view an Application Blueprint
No Edit Allows a role to edit an existing Application Blueprint
No Delete Allows a role to delete an existing Application Blueprint
Yes Deploy Allows a role to deploy an Application Blueprint into an Environment

The following table details the access permissions for other resources in MyST.

Resource Type Env. Specific Permission Description
Infrastructure Provider No View Allows a user to view details of an Infrastructure Provider
No Create Allows a role to create Infrastructure Provider
No View Allows a role to edit an existing Infrastructure Provider
No View Allows a role to delete an Infrastructure Provider
Continuous Delivery Profile No View Allows a role to view details of a Continuous Delivery Profile
No Create Allows a role to create a Continuous Delivery Profile
No Edit Allows a role to edit an existing Continuous Delivery Profile
No Delete Allows a role to delete a Continuous Delivery Profile

Edit Role

To edit the user account, click on the Edit button for the corresponding role. This will open the Edit Role dialogue.

Here you can modify the Description, Environments and Access Permissions of the Role. Once done, click Save to confirm your changes.

Activate / Deactivate Role

By default, when you create a Role, it is in an active state. Meaning that the Role can be assigned to a User within a Workspace to provide the corresponding access permissions to resources within that workspace.

We can deactivate a role at any time. Deactivating a Role does not remove any workspaces roles a user has been granted but deactivates the permissions they have been granted through that role.

A deactivated role can be reactivated at any time, at which point any user assigned that role will receive back the corresponding access permissions.

To deactivate a User account, click on the Actions drop-down menu for the corresponding Role and select Deactivate as illustrated below.

To activate a deactivated environment, click on the Actions drop-down menu for the corresponding Role and select Activate.

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