Artifact Types and Properties


Property Description
composite.configuration-plan Optional: SOA configuration plan to override endpoint, fault policy location etc. Can be a path on the target host ( [DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/ or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/ SOA composite name for deployment or undeployment
composite.partition SOA partition name to deploy composite into. Also used to undeploy composite
composite.redeploy Boolean flag to control if existing composite can be overriden
composite.revision Deployment version for SOA Composite
keepInstancesOnRedeploy Boolean flag to allow existing running instances to continue on redeployment
soa.policies Reserved for future capability to specify web service policy
soa.service-client Reserved for future capability to specify web service policy
soa.service-endpoint Reserved for future capability to specify web service policy
soa.subject Reserved for future capability to specify web service policy
composite.redeploy Whether or not to do an undeploy before a deployment. You do not need to set this for a typical 'redeploy'. It should be reserved for exceptional circumstances where a component can't be deployed until an undeploy usually due to poor code or a bug in the application.
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ( [DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/ or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/


Property Description
customization-file OSB customization file to replace endpoint and other properties
myst-config-plan-apply Optional: Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location Optional: MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ([DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.osb.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.osb.configplan.xml)


Property Description
mds.folder-names List of folder names from artifact to deploy into MDS. Also used during redeployment.
mds.redeploy Whether or not to do an undeploy before a deployment. You do not need to set this for a typical 'redeploy'. It should be reserved for exceptional circumstances where a component can't be deployed until an undeploy usually due to poor code or a bug in the application.
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ( [DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.mds.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.mds.configplan.xml)


Property Description
j2ee.deployment-order Weblogic startup order number that controls when the application starts up. Typically this value will be in the high 300s for application code
j2ee.deployment-plan Optional: Weblogic Application Deployment Plan to configure deployment descriptors and override property values. Can be a path on the target host ([DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.adf.configplan.xml)
j2ee.redeploy Boolean flag to control whether application can be redeployed with same version.
j2ee.stage-mode Weblogic Stage mode for deployment. Valid values are STAGE, NOSTAGE, EXTERNAL_STAGE List of targets to deploy application to. Can be managed server or cluster
j2ee.redeploy Whether or not to do an undeploy before a deployment. You do not need to set this for a typical 'redeploy'. It should be reserved for exceptional circumstances where a component can't be deployed until an undeploy usually due to poor code or a bug in the application.
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ( [DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.adf.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.j2ee.configplan.xml)
strip-version Optional: Boolean flag to strip version from the artifact prior to deploy (e.g. Stock-1.0.0.ear becomes Stock.ear)

Java EAR

Property Description
j2ee.deployment-order Weblogic startup order number that controls when the application starts up. Typically this value will be in the high 300s for application code
j2ee.deployment-plan Optional: Weblogic Application Deployment Plan to configure deployment descriptors and override property values. Can be a path on the target host ([DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.adf.configplan.xml)
j2ee.redeploy Boolean flag to control whether application can be redeployed with same version.
j2ee.stage-mode Weblogic Stage mode for deployment. Valid values are STAGE, NOSTAGE, EXTERNAL_STAGE List of targets to deploy application to. Can be managed server or cluster
j2ee.redeploy Whether or not to do an undeploy before a deployment. You do not need to set this for a typical 'redeploy'. It should be reserved for exceptional circumstances where a component can't be deployed until an undeploy usually due to poor code or a bug in the application.
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ( [DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.adf.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.j2ee.configplan.xml)
strip-version Optional: Boolean flag to strip version from the artifact prior to deploy (e.g. Stock-1.0.0.ear becomes Stock.ear)

Java WAR

Property Description
j2ee.deployment-order Weblogic startup order number that controls when the application starts up. Typically this value will be in the high 300s for application code
j2ee.deployment-plan Optional: Weblogic Application Deployment Plan to configure deployment descriptors and override property values. Can be a path on the target host ([DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.adf.configplan.xml) Application name
j2ee.redeploy Boolean flag to control whether application can be redeployed with same version.
j2ee.stage-mode Weblogic Stage mode for deployment. Valid values are STAGE, NOSTAGE, EXTERNAL_STAGE List of targets to deploy application to. Can be managed server or cluster
j2ee.redeploy Whether or not to do an undeploy before a deployment. You do not need to set this for a typical 'redeploy'. It should be reserved for exceptional circumstances where a component can't be deployed until an undeploy usually due to poor code or a bug in the application.
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ( [DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.adf.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.j2ee.configplan.xml)
strip-version Optional: Boolean flag to strip version from the artifact prior to deploy (e.g. Stock-1.0.0.war becomes Stock.war. This means context root will be /Stock instead of /Stock-1.0.0)


Property Description
sql.client Command that can run sql files. e.g. sqlplus Optional: Assumes Oracle JDBC Driver. Specify if non-Oracle JDBC password, can be a property like ${[rxr.def.Product-rcu].param[db-password]} Optional: Boolean flag to determine if username specified has a sysdba privileges JDBC URL, can be a property like ${[rxr.def.Product-rcu].param[db-url]} JDBC username, can be a property like ${[rxr.def.Product-rcu].param[db-user-prefix]}_SOAINFRA
sql.delimiter Optional: Specify delimiter in sql file to differentiate multiple commands in single file. e.g. ;
sql.execute Path within archive for sql script e.g. (EMBEDDED)/01_db_change89778.sql Optional: Boolean flag to allow script to continue on failure


Property Description
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ([DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.b2b.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.b2b.configplan.xml)


Property Description
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ([DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.bam.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.bam.configplan.xml)


Property Description
myst-config-plan-apply Boolean flag to specify whether to apply myst config plan
myst-config-plan-location MyST configuration plan location to search and replace files with MyST properties. Can be a path on the target host ([DOMAIN_HOME]/plans/myst.mft.configplan.xml) or a path in the packaged artifact ((EMBEDDED)/myst.mft.configplan.xml)

Application Configuration (Properties/XML)

Property Description
expand-properties Replace files with MyST properties
extract-files Files to extract from archive
target-directory Target directory to place extracted files
target-is-domain-directory Boolean flag to indicate path if path is relative to domain home directory

OSB Custom XPath

Property Description
extract-files Files to extract from archive

OWSM Policy

Property Description
extract-files Files to extract from archive

JAR Library

Property Description
target-directory Target directory to place extracted files
target-is-domain-directory Boolean flag to indicate path if path is relative to domain home directory

Java Shared Library

Property Description
j2ee.deployment-order Weblogic startup order number that controls when the application starts up. Typically this value will be in the high 300s for application deployments
j2ee.redeploy Boolean flag to control whether application can be redeployed with same version.
j2ee.stage-mode Weblogic Stage mode for deployment. Valid values are STAGE, NOSTAGE, EXTERNAL_STAGE List of targets to deploy application to. Can be managed server or cluster
strip-version Optional: Boolean flag to strip version from the artifact prior to deploy (e.g. Stock-1.0.0.jar becomes Stock.jar)

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