Provisioning Instances

Once we have created our Platform Model, we are now ready to provision it.

Before we can provision a Platform Instance, there needs to be a committed version of the corresponding Platform Blueprint and Platform Model. See Platform Blueprint and Model Versioning for more details.

From the side menu we can navigate toProvisioning > Platform Instances, this will display a list of existing Platform Models.

For each Platform Model, MyST will indicate if there is currently a provisioned platform instance for that model, and if there is, will indicate the current version and revision of the Platform Blueprint and Platform Model.

To provision a Platform Instance, select the corresponding Platform Model (outlined in red above). MyST will display summary information about the state of the Platform Model and Instance as shown below.

Click on the Actions menu and select Provision. MyST will open a dialogue allowing you to enter any notes and requesting confirmation of the action, Click Finish.

MyST will add the provision action to the platform instance queue. The action will initially be in a PENDING state, but you should shortly see this change to IN PROGRESS as shown below.

MyST will start the process of provisioning the Oracle Middleware. This includes installing the Oracle Middleware binaries, running RCU to create the database schemas, creating the Oracle Middleware domain and then starting it up.

The end to end process will typically take 20-60 minutes to complete, depending on the Oracle Middleware components being provisioned and the performance of the underlying infrastructure.

Viewing Logs

Whilst MyST is provisioning the Platform Instance you can view the action execution log by clicking on View (outlined in red above). This will open the Execution Log window as illustrated below.

If you leave this window open, MyST will continue to update this with the log output.

Verify Platform Instance

Once our Platform Instance has been successfully provisioned, the status of the action will change to SUCCESS and the status of the Platform instance will change to ACTIVE.

Click on the Actions menu and select View. This will open the Platform Viewer, where we can view all details about the configuration of the Platform Instance. In addition, MyST provides the URLs for the relevant administration consoles (outlined in red).

If we click on the link for the Admin Console, this will take us to the login page for the WebLogic Admin Console. Login and view the Servers summary page. Here we can see the list of our newly provisioned WebLogic servers.

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