Configuring Release Pipelines

List Release Pipelines

From the side menu, navigate toRelease Management > Pipelines. This will display a list of existing Release Pipelines, similar to the one below.

Creating a Release Pipeline

Click + Create New. This will open the Release Pipeline dialogue.

Specify the following values:

  • Name - Shorthand name for the Pipeline Template.
  • Description - A longer description of the Pipeline Template.
  • Pipeline Template - Select the Pipeline Template that we wish to base our Release Pipeline on. We can see that the list of Stages is automatically populated based on the selected template.
  • Pipeline Group - Select the Release Pipeline Group to which the pipeline belongs.

By default, the stages in our Release Pipeline, plus the sequence and configuration of each stage, is pre-configured as defined by the Release Pipeline Template. We can edit these if required.

  • Add Stage - To add a stage, click Add Stage. This will open the Stage dialogue. Here we need to specify the Stage Name, Description, Stage Environment Type and Promotion Rules.

  • Edit Stage - To edit a stage, click on the pencil icon for the corresponding stage. This will open the Stage dialogue. Here we can modify the Stage Name, Description, and Promotion Rules.

  • Delete Stage - To delete a stage, click on the trash can icon for the corresponding stage. MyST will prompt for confirmation of the Delete action, click Yes to proceed with the deletion of the stage.

  • Sequence Stages - Releases are promoted through each stage from left to right. If we want to change the stage sequence, simply click on the left or right arrow next to the stage (outlined in red in the above screenshot) to move it to an earlier or later stage in the pipeline.

Configuring Release Streams

Within a Release Pipeline, a Stream is used to define the Platform Blueprint and Application Blueprint(s) to be promoted through each stage.

A Release Pipeline can consist of one or more Release Streams. A Release Stream is targeted to an Oracle Middleware platform as defined by its Platform Blueprint and can contain zero or more Application Blueprints.

A common use case for multiple Release Streams would be if you wanted to perform a release across multiple WebLogic domains such as a release to an ADF and SOA WebLogic Domain.

For each stream, we would specify zero or more Application Blueprints that we want to deploy.

Add Streams

To add a stream to our Release Pipeline, click Add Stream. This will open the Stream Editor. Here we need to specify the following values:

  • Name - Shorthand name for the Release Stream.

  • Description - A longer description of the Release Stream.

  • Stream Type - Select the Stream Type to which the stream belongs.

  • Platform Blueprint and Version - See Configuring a Streams Platform Blueprint Version.

  • Application Blueprint(s) - Select the Application Blueprints to be promoted through the stream

Configuring a Stream's Platform Blueprint Version

For each stream, we need to define its target Platform Blueprint and Version. Once defined MyST will only make available for deployment Platform Models / Instances that are based on the stream's Platform Blueprint and Version.

This is to ensure the Platform Instance deployed to at each stage of the Release Pipeline has the same configuration.

As it is possible to have multiple revisions of the same Platform Blueprint version, MyST also allows us to specify how we want MyST to handle a scenario where a Platform Instance is not on the latest committed revision of the Platform Blueprint version.

This is controlled with the Behavior option, which can be one of:

  • Update - MyST will update the Platform Instance to the latest committed revision of the specified version of the Platform Blueprint and Model. The update action will be performed prior to deploying any Application Blueprints to the Platform Instance.

  • None - MyST will not perform any platform specific actions against the Platform Instance.

Configuring a Stream's Application Blueprints

For each stream, we need to define the set of Application Blueprints whose deployment and promotion we want to manage as part of the release pipeline.

Within the Application Blueprint(s) section of the Stream editor, select the required Application Blueprints from the list of Application Blueprints.

For each Application Blueprint we need to specify:

  • Version - Specifies the version of an Application Blueprint to be deployed.

  • Revision - Each time there is a new revision of an artifact contained within an Application Blueprint, MyST will create a new revision of the Application Blueprint. Within a Release Stream, we can configure MyST to always use the latest revision of an Application Blueprint or pin a specific revision of an Application Blueprint to the stream.

  • Sequence - This defines the sequence in which Application Blueprints are deployed. To change the order, simply click on the up or down arrow next to the Application Blueprint (outlined in red above) to move it to an earlier or later stage in the deployment.

Configuring Platform Deployment Targets

For each stream, we need to specify the target platform for each stage in the Release Pipeline. The target platform is the Platform Instance to which MyST will apply the Platform Configuration changes as defined by the Platform Blueprint as well as deploy and configure the artifacts defined by the Application Blueprints.

For each Stream / Stage combination, we will see a drop down in the Release Pipeline (as outlined in red below).

From this, we can select the Platform Model of the Platform Instance that we wish to target for deployment. The Platform Models available in the drop down will be automatically filtered:

  • Platform Blueprint and Version - The drop down list will be automatically filtered to only show Platform Models based on the Platform Blueprint and Version as specified in the stream configuration.
  • Environment Type - The drop down list will be automatically filtered to only show Platform Models for the stage environment type as specified in the stage configuration.

When we select the Platform Model, MyST will update the Release Pipeline to show the Platform Blueprint and Platform Model revision for the corresponding Platform Instance (as outlined in red above). If the Platform Instance has not yet been provisioned, then this will be indicated.

Activate Release Pipeline

Once we have configured our Release Pipeline, we need to activate it before it can be used to promote a release into any environment.

Once activated, the pipeline will execute periodically to automatically promote changes through the pipeline (where configured to do so) as well as allow the manual promotion of releases.

As soon as we do this, MyST is going to start deploying our application into our CI environment because we set the CI stage to automatic.

Upon activation, MyST will take us to the Release Pipeline Dashboard. Click on Refresh. We should now see that the deployment is pending.

Whilst activated, the release pipeline configuration cannot be edited. The only change that can be made is to the Application Model Properties. If we need to edit the Release Pipeline, we first need to deactivate it. We can then make the required changes before re-activating the pipeline.

To activate a Release Pipeline Template, from the side menu navigate toRelease Management > Pipelines. This will display a list of existing Release Pipelines.

Click on the Actions drop-down in the top right-hand corner of the pipeline you wish to activate and select Activate. MyST will prompt for confirmation of the activation, click Yes to proceed.

Alternatively, from within the Release Pipeline editor, we choose the option of Save + Activate. MyST will save any changes made to the Release Pipeline and then activate the Pipeline. Once active, MyST will open the Release Pipeline Dashboard.

Deactivate Release Pipeline

There are a number of occasions, where we may want to deactivate (or pause the execution of) a release pipeline, this includes when:

  • We want to make configuration changes to our Release Pipeline. For example, we may want to add additional Application Blueprints to an existing stream.
  • We have successfully delivered a release into Production, so may want to permanently deactivate the corresponding Release Pipeline.
  • We may want to delete a Release Pipeline, for example, we may be merging multiple releases into a single Pipeline.

To deactivate a Release Pipeline, from the side menu navigate toRelease Management > Pipelines. This will display a list of existing Release Pipelines.

Click on the Actions drop-down in the top right-hand corner of the pipeline you wish to deactivate and select Deactivate. MyST will prompt for confirmation of the Deactivate action, click Yes to proceed.

Once deactivated, MyST will stop the execution of the Release Pipeline until re-activated.

Delete Release Pipeline

MyST only allows the deletion of inactive pipelines. If we wish to delete a pipeline that is currently active, we first need to deactivate it.

To delete an inactive Release Pipeline, from the side menu navigate toRelease Management > Pipelines. This will display a list of existing Release Pipelines.

Click on the Actions drop-down in the top right-hand corner of the pipeline you wish to remove and select Delete. MyST will prompt for confirmation of the Delete action, click Yes to proceed with the deletion of the Release Pipeline.

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