Stream Types

Stream Types allow us to categorize each Stream within a Release Pipeline.

For example, we have multiple projects running in parallel, e.g. a BPM Project, an API Project, and an Integration Project. Each of these projects would have a separate Release Pipeline.

Each project may contain a stream deploying services to an Oracle Service Bus domain (plus other streams which are project specific).

We can assign the stream type OSB to each OSB Stream, allowing us to categorize streams across release pipelines.

Note: It is intended that reporting capabilities to be delivered in future versions of MyST will provide reporting by Stream Type, for example, allowing production of a report that shows all active releases for a particular stream type, such as OSB in the above example.

List Stream Types

From the side menu, navigate toRelease Management > Stream Types. This will display a list of existing Stream Types, similar to the one below.

Creating a New Stream Types

Click + Create New, this will open the Stream Types dialogue. Specify the following values:

  • Name - Shorthand name for the Stream Type.
  • Description - A longer description of the Stream Type.

Click Save to Save the new Stream Type.

Edit Stream Type

To edit a Stream Type, click on the Edit button for the corresponding Stream Type. This will open the Edit Stream Type dialogue.

Here you can modify the Name and Description of the Stream Type. Once done, click Modify to confirm your changes.

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